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With little feeding

You have made a new site that has no traffic yet, and you are planning to add a little feeding there.
We recommend working in the 2nd scheme i.e. either 4th mode setting or an automatic mode. (See Main settings).
The given mode is specially created to get faster perfect productivity on your site. In this mode rotator shows thumbs on the page instead of cron calculations that’s why you have to write the call of the counter of displays in html code of the page – file in.php in the root catalogue of the rotator. For the given mode functioning, the file of your page should to execute php or SSI. For example, it should have the name index.php or index.shtml. Ask your administrator to make sure of it.

I have .php extension


I have .shtml extension

<!--#include virtual="./rt/in.php" -->

I have page extension that differ from the above-named

We recommend to rename the page according to the above-named variants or ask the administrator of your server to help you in adjustment of php-scripts launching on your page. It is desirable to write the call of the counter at the template ending.
In the 4th mode of operation the following settings are important in the menu New galleries:
  1. Cells for estimation – how many cells should be assigned for the new galleries on the page, in the rest cells the estimated thumbs will be placed. Recommended value is 15-20% to the general amount of places on the page.
  2. New status time (showed) – through what time the thumb should be considered as estimated and to display it on the page depending on getting CTR. Recommended value is 3500 when traffic amount is from 200 surfers per hour and 1250 when less amount of traffic.
  3. Estimate preliminary after thumbs were showed – through what time CTR of a thumb should be compared with minimal one on the page and to make the decision whether the estimation of the thumb should be continued. If CTR of the thumb will be greater, it will continue displaying on the page till the final estimation. In case of  little CTR– the thumb will be removed from the page and will return there only after the rest thumbs will be estimated. Recommended values are – 2750 when traffic amount is from 200 surfers per hour and 1250 when less amount of traffic. It is possible to set little values for speed up thumbs rotation.
The course of thumbs rotation may be viewed in stats. At the same time the optional status is written for each thumb:
  1. Estimated – the thumb was shown according to set amount of times. It will be displayed in accordance with CTR that was got.
  2. New – the thumb is in estimation process either it on the page already or will be there in the near future.
  3. New, CTR less then set value – the thumb didn’t get CTR that was set after preliminary estimation and would be shown in last turn within the rest time.
  4. New is in estimated – one of thumbs from this gallery have already been estimated. The given thumb will take its place on the page in case of absence of thumbs with status of New.
  5. New, CTR less then set value, is in the estimated -  one of thumbs from this gallery have already been estimated and the thumb itself didn’t get needed CTR after preliminary estimation. The thumb will be estimated in last turn.
  6. Isn’t in rotation – the thumb didn’t get into rotation either because of filter (percent of posters galleries etc.) or it is in the category that isn’t present on the page.
    During rotation in auto mode the rotator will pass to the 5th mode when all thumbs will get the status Estimated. When you operate in the 4th mode you can switch over to the 5th mode by yourself being guided by status of thumbs in Statistics by thumbs
IMPORTANT:  an auto mode can be used only when traffic is already going to the site otherwise (during galleries addition time and the other preparation) it is necessary to set the 4th mode.
Also it is necessary to make the following actions:
  1. Set the number of galleries in the base (Pages and thumbs) equal to the number of places on the page or little more.

    The maximum amount of galleries in base for all modes must be considered the following way: look how many thumbs get into the page taking into account the scale value. This value is shown by the rotator in template of design editing at the last block. If the Scale is equal to 100 then it will be the number of thumbs on the page. In fact, such quantity of thumbs from the main base has a good chance to get into the page. If the number of pages is more then one, then these numbers should be summarized.
  2. Add galleries to the Main queue When preliminary estimation occurs you can add more galleries then amount of places on the page in the 1st or 4th mode, but large amount of galleries in base will brake preliminary rotation. That’s why the recommended value shouldn’t be more then amount of places on the page.
  3. After filling the page, you can turn on the feeding, set auto mode, and forget of modes at all (or stay in the 4th mode and then switch over to the 5th one by yourself).
  4. In the 5th mode there is an opportunity to add new galleries on the page. For this purpose you have to add them to the Queue of new preliminary (generally all new galleries it is necessary to add to the queue of New). Then enter to the Automatic addition and adjust the quantity of galleries and the time of their addition. The time is adjusted in calculations; one calculation is equal to 10 minutes. Whereupon open the New galleries section and choose the type of new galleries displaying on the page and also the time while the thumb will be considered new.

    Read more in the Galleries auto-addition section.
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