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New galleries


Parameters of galleries with the status New are set here
  • Type of new thumbs displaying - displaying of new thumbs is possible:
    • Accidentally - new thumbs will be displayed in accidental accessible cells.
    • At the top - all thumbs will be displayed from above.
    • At the bottom - all thumbs will be displayed from below.
    • Some in the row - all thumbs will be placed evenly by some in a row according to number of new thumbs which was set in the `Template of design

      It is necessary to select suitable method (for design) of arrangement of thumbs that new thumbs should have enough time to be objectively estimated.
  • Time of new thumb status - during this number of cron calculations the thumb that was added must be considered new and rotated according to status. One cron calculation is equal to 10 minutes.

For the 4th mode

  • Cells for estimation - Number of cells in which new thumbs will be placed during their estimation. In case of estimated thumbs absence for filling the page, the rotator will automatically increase    the number of new thumbs on the page during this calculation. The more number of assigned cells, the faster process of thumbs estimation but the less productivity. The less number, the lower speed of thumbs estimation but the more productivity. Recommended value is 15-20% of cells.
  • New status time (showed) - Specify how many times the thumb must be shown for clear-cut decision about its clickability. When any man enters the page, the thumb is considered as showed. Until the thumb will be shown certain amount of times, it will be placed in the special assigned cells according to type of new thumbs displaying (at the top, at the bottom, randomly, some in the row). Afterwards the thumb will take its place on the page according to its CTR.
  • Estimate preliminary after thumbs were showed - Preliminary estimation of thumbs is available in the 4th mode. The given tool is created to speed up thumbs estimation and improve productivity on the page as fast as possible. For example, if you set status of new thumb as 500, and preliminary estimation should occur after 100, the rotator after 100 times will compare CTR of the thumb with minimal CTR of the already estimated thumb on the page. If CTR of a new thumb is higher then the minimal one – the thumb will continue further estimation. The rotator will complete its estimation in case of other thumbs absence.
The button Save settings saves settings of new galleries.
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