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Main settings

The first item of the rotator settings. Here you can choose the mode of rotation and cron is adjusted here (temporary schedule of events).

Modes and schames

  • Mode and scheme of rotation - choice of a rotator operations mode.
    • Mode 1, Scheme 1
    • Mode 2, Scheme 1
    • Mode 3, Scheme 1
    • Mode 4, Scheme 2 IMPORTANT! Please read about 4th mode here
    • Mode 5, Scheme 2
    • Auto mode- automatic mode. When you make such choice, the automatic switching of modes works.
  • Type of logs – set type of logs. You can select as one of already known scripts (then the double redirection will not arise) as logs of the rotator (log-analyser).
    • UCJ - logs of UCJ script
    • SmartCJ – logs of NFSO script (for using this logs, the rotator and CJ must be located at the same database). 
    • Proton – logs of PROTON script
    • FET 5.x – logs of FET script of 5th branch
    • TM3 - logs of TM3 script
    • ATX – logs of ATX script
    • AT3 – logs of AT3 script
    • TTT PHP – logs of TTT PHP script
    •  Log-analiser – logs of our rotator
  • Path to logs- catalogue where logs of chosen script are located in types of logs. If the log-analyser is chosen then field Path to logs should be filled with  ./temp
  • Path to out-file - it is necessary to set it when log- analyser is used. The control after recording of the next click will be transferred to this URL.
  • Variable for assigning URL of a gallery - specify variable that sets URL for your script (for example, url - for UCJ).
  • Variable for assigning a name of a link - the name of variable that is saved in logs by your CJ script (for example, link - for UCJ)
  • Variable for the skim - specify variable that assigns skim for your script (for example, p - for UCJ).

Cron and timing settings

  • Quantity of stored calculations of CTR. It is necessary to set the number in view of the traffic on CJ and the total quantity of thumbs on one page. The more number the more smoothly and precisely CTR will be calculated. The less number the more dynamically CTR of thumbs will be changed. Recommended value is from 100 to 500.
  • Quantity of the stored calculations of coefficient - It is necessary to set the number in view of the traffic on CJ and total quantity of thumbs on one page. Recommended number is 100.
  • Number of skipped cron launchings- parameter determines how many calculations of cron (replanner) must be missed. The more number the less often recalculations of coefficients occurs etc. If the number is equal to 0 than cron will start once in 10 minutes; if number is equal to 1 – once in 20 minutes and so on. If there is not a lot of traffic on CJ then situation could arise when recalculation in 10 minutes will write down a large number of values equal to zero. It is recommended to set suitable number of skipped calculations.


  • Distribute thumbs by sub directories - the rotator will distribute thumbs by sub directories in the /content folder when parameter is marked. Use the given opportunity in the case of great number of thumbs in the database.
    When uploading by ftp is used (when option is on),a new structure of thumbs distributing will be saved.
  • Minimum number of clicks on the page for CTR recalculation - when number of clicks on the page is not great during 1 cron calculation, CTR of thumbs will be calculated with inaccuracy, that's why setting of a minimum number of clicks for CTR recalculation gives more exact values.
  • Thumbs on the remote host – the option should be marked if you want to upload thumbs to another host. The option is used to increase dead load on the host of the rotator. Data of FTP where thumbs will be loaded to, you can set in menu FTP settings
  • Store inactive galleries on server – if option is ON, it allow you to save galleries to the queue of Inactive. The option is necessary when there will not be enough galleries from the queue of new, then the galleries will be undertaken from the queue of Inactive.
  • Put encode on url – when the option is ON, all URLs on the page will be encoded (special symbols like inverted commas, points, commas etc.) and converted into hexadecimal format (necessary for some FHG with parameters transferring). You can just switch off the option in case of uselessness.
  • Show thumbs in Change – when parameter is switched on, then a thumb will be shown in Change of any line at pointing of a cursor on a gallery.
  • Backup period - period of backup creation (in days).
  • Maximum quantity of backups - restriction on quantity of backups. You can switch off.
  • Maximum percent of posters galleries – if you use posters or partners galleries but don’t want your own galleries or FHG will be displaced by their galleries, then this option is for you. Just define what maximum percent for posters galleries can be set on the page (the value from 0 to 100), and rotator itself will track so that your galleries will be under control. If you don’t want to use this option choose ---.
  • Interface language – the option let you to choose the language of the rotator interface.


  • Show signs of quick help - if you have not accustomed to the interface of rotator yet, just switch on the signs of the quick help, and the signs will be appearing at ambiguous items, having click on which you will receive help on this or that item.
  • Basic information of the section - the general promptings are placed at the top of each section. If you needn’t prompting you can switch it off (collapse it).
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