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Automatic addition

Settings that concerning auto-additions of galleries (additions without your participation).

Main settings

  • Enable auto-addition – set a type of an automatic addition. It can be:
    • Do not add - switch off the auto addition.
    • Add from TGP - add galleries from TGP.
    • Add from queues - add galleries from queues.
  • Limit addition – if parameter is switched on, script will add automatically as much of new galleries as there is not enough to the quantity set in Number of galleries. If there are already more of new galleries in base than can be added at once, automatic addition will not run. We recommend using this option to prevent an appearance of a large quantity of new galleries in the base.
  • Usage of new ungrabbed galleries - Specify whether to allow using the new ungrabbed galleries.
  • Enable inscription on thumbs from movie galleries - whether to display an inscription on video galleries during grab from TGP and from queues. The settings of the inscription are made in Grabber
  • Automatic addition interval – in such quantity of cron starts, new galleries (0 - each time, i.e. every 10 minutes) will be automatically added.
  • Number of galleries - quantity of automatically added galleries in rotation at once.
  • Selection of thumbs - which photos from a gallery can be selected for thumbs creating:
    • All - selection of all photos.
    • Horizontal - choice of horizontal photos only (width of which is more than height).
    • Vertical - choice of vertical photos only (height of which is more than width).

      Be defined, what type of resource you have got (what kind of thumbs is on it) If they are squares 88x88, then it is desirable to take all photos, if they are120x160 then it is better to take from vertical photos.
  • Type of thumbs - two variants of an automatic cropping of thumbs are possible:
    • Cut out - cropping of a final thumb from the centre of a photo
    • Reduce - minimizing on the greater side of a photo up to a thumb of the necessary size.
  • Number of thumbs - number of thumbs selected from gallery accidentally. At zero value it undertakes all.


  • Use inactive - if one of variants is selected and queue of new galleries is empty then script allows starting inactive galleries into rotation anew. It is possible to use 4 variants:
    • Autograb – always regrab galleries from the queue of inactive automatically.
    • Use stored thumb - restore saved thumb for a gallery.
    • Autograb for CTR less then given – regrab if CTR is less then given in settings, otherwise restore saved thumb.
    • Autograb with addition of stored – regrab and add saved thumb from inactive gallery to the just grabbed galleries.
  • CTR for inactive - minimal value of CTR compared with CTR of a gallery in an inactive during its repeated rotation (see Autograb for CTR less then given).
  • Queue - method of galleries sampling from queue of new and inactive galleries:
    • In series - newer galleries are always taken.
    • Accidentally – galleries are selected out of the whole list at random.
The button Save settings saves settings of auto-addition.
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