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FTP settings

As is well known, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a simple opportunity of uploading files to another server remotely. In our case, this is a placement of thumbs of the current resource on the remote server.
First of all, it is required for user who has:
  1. Expensive traffic – an expensive outgoing traffic on the server, and, probably, there are other servers where the traffic is cheaper. And exactly on these it is possible to place thumbs so you don’t spend spare traffic and overpay.
  2. Large resources - large, means with plenty of traffic. When traffic quantity becomes very large (500-700 thousand visitors per day), problems of the server where your resource is situated can arise quite often - it overloads because of heavy loading, and, as the consequence, your resource begins to decelerate that can result in losses of traffic. In such case it is possible to avoid saving of all thumbs on one server, and place thumbs on separate server, and on the current one you can leave only html-pages and some graphics.

FTP settings

  • Server - parameter sets an address of FTP-server. It can be ip-address (for example, 156.76.43) or just normal address that has a name (, for example).

    To find out the correct value of this parameter, you can ask an administrator of your hosting.
  • Login - login for access on ftp-server.
  • Password - password on ftp-server.
  • Path to the server – path on a server to the catalogue where thumbs will be stored. It is a relative (incomplete) path from a root of connection to the catalogue.

    For example, if you don’t specify a path, but you go at once on FTP, it is possible that you will appear here:


    It is necessary for you to decide where your thumbs will be stored. Let’s assume that it can be the content folder. Then in path type: content/

    If it is necessary for you to go up on one catalogue (suppose, httpdocs), and already there on the content catalogue, then specify: httpdocs/content/

    In any case, it is better to find out it from administration of your hosting.
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