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Here you can set everything as for grabber of galleries / thumbs: the quality of received thumbs, size of thumbs, text on thumbs etc.

Settings of preview-thumbs during cropping

  • Quality of previews (in percentage) - quality of previews during manual cropping that are shown after gallery grab. From 0 to 100. Recommended value is 70-80.
  • Maximal length / width of previews - maximal length / width of previews in picture cropper.
  • Maximal length / width of previews from video- maximal length / width of previews in flash player when video gallery was already grabbed. The video will be automatically compressed by script to the necessary size to avoid loading of all photos of a gallery in the real size. And of course, thumbs will be taken from the initial picture.

Settings of the quality of received thumbs

  • Brightness - value of brightness during grab.
  • Contrast - value of contrast when grab running.
  • Colour – value of colour during grab.
  • Saturation - value of saturation during grab.
  • Sharp – value of sharpness during grab, where allowable values are from 10 to 150.
  • Blur – value of blur at grab, where allowable values are from 1 to 100.
  • Colour balance - you can switch off an automatic balance or balance all colour channels either synchronously or independently from each other.
  • Quality of resulting thumbs (in percentage) - quality of jpg-compression. From 0 to 100, but recommended range is 60-80, depending on the necessary quality and the size of the final thumbs.

Grab from video

  • Grab of movie galleries – in this option you have to choose how movie galleries will be made by you. There are 3 variants: from thumbs - in this case thumbs will be made from preview of movie thumbs. This variant is available if there is no ffmpeg utility on your server. The second variant of working with movies is from movie (flash-player). In this case, during manual cropping, script will suggest to crop thumbs from flash player where will be added all movies from a gallery. You will be able to choose the necessary picture while viewing a movie and make a thumb from it. The third variant of working with movies is from screen shots of a movie. In this case script will make screen shots from initial movies through the each few seconds and propose to make thumbs from them. In the last two variants of working with movies it is obligatory to install ffmpeg on your server. When autograb is running, in both last variants grab from screen shots of movies will be used.
  • Video-preview quality–is used only during manual grab with flash player. To not load movie in initial quality, set in this option the compression most suitable for you. At value 1, the quantity of movies will be the best, at value 31 the worst. The parameter doesn’t influence on the quality of resulting thumbs.
  • Quantity of video-previewed frames – is used only during manual grab with flash player. To reduce size of video preview you can reduce the number of frames in a second. Set value from 24 to 1.
  • Start grab from, sec. - is used only during grab from movie screen shot. When the value is different from 0 script will pass the first quantity of seconds that was set, and then start to make screen shots. Use it to pass logotype at the beginning of movies.
  • Miss the last sec. - is used only during grab from movie screen shots. When the value is different from 0 script will pass the last quantity of seconds that was set and then begin making screen shots. Use it to pass logotype at the end of movies.
  • Use maximum seconds of a movie - is used only during grab from movie screen shots. In this option you can limit the creation of screen shots if movies used by you are too large. It will save recourses of a server.
  • Interval of screen shots in seconds - is used only during grab from movie screen shots. The option sets how often screen shots must be done from movie. 

Manual cropper

  • Expend the status window – sets an initial condition of the status window where the process of manual grab is displayed. At the beginning the window can be either expended or collapsed. The parameter can be changed during manual grab.
  • Fix the status window– sets whether the window of a status should be fixed on the top of the page or to move it after moving of the main window. The parameter can be changed during manual grab.
  • Renew a thumb automatically when parameters were changed –if any characteristic of a thumb is changed (contrast, brightness etc.) and the option is On, the thumb will be drawn again. The parameter can be changed while manual crop is running.
  • Show the window of thumb editing after crop – if the option is On, right after new thumb cropping will be opened a window where you can see the resulting thumb and edit characteristics of the thumb (contrast, brightness etc.). If you don’t want viewing the thumb automatically, just switch off the option.
  • Size of a frame – the option is used during manual cropping of thumbs. When absolute is marked then the size of a frame the same as a size of a thumb. When relative option is marked, the size of a frame is 0,5 to a photo size.
  • Shade other photos during crop of a current - the option is used during manual cropping of thumbs. If the option is On, then during cropping of a current photo, the rest will be blacked out. If blackout irritates you, then switch off this option.
  • Change the crop area the photos in the same gallery are often similar on an arrangement of a subject, so the area, which thumbs are cropped with, mustn’t be changed. In this case set the option.


  • Size of thumbs - width and height of the final thumbs. Values 120x160, 88x88 etc. are used frequently.
  • Inscription type – choose the type of inscription that you want put on thumbs from video galleries: picture or text.
  • Image - if in the previous item was chosen image then here you can set which picture exactly will be put on video thumbs. The image file itself must be previously loaded to the /fonts catalogue in jpg or png format.
  • Image position – sets the position of an image on video thumbs.
  • Intensity - sets a transparency for a picture on video thumbs (at value 100 picture completely blocks a thumb, at 50 it is half transparent, etc.)
  • Inscription on video-thumbs – an inscription on thumbs from video galleries. Leave a field empty if do not wish to put (render) an inscription.  
  • Font - font which the inscription will be made with.
  • Font size - size of a font.
  • Quantity of threads during a background grab – during the time of galleries grabbing by template, multithread grab is possible. It means that tasks will be carried out in parallel. For example, there are 100 galleries. If there are 100 threads then all 100 galleries will be grabbed approximately in two or three seconds. If there is 1 thread then every gallery will need 2-3 seconds, and all other galleries will queue. The more threads the faster galleries will be grabbed.
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